Visions parano

Une minute de lecture

The sky was reeling on my shoulders and in my boundless lost,

I start wondering -What is the color of the air?

The Sun-shy told his feelings to the open Moon,

Fumbling like a slurved teenager.

He whined: "Hey Moon, d'you want to come?"

The stultifying scream of th mocking

-Birds like the crackers brokers of Wall-Street circus,

"Loooook at me, i can be a snake if you don't looooook...".

A happy pervert looking at the pure and elegant bodies of the kids in the backyard,

The innocent watcher regrets his childhood.

Freaking concrete and hitting classrooms (!)

And here we are, gloomy lovers in love with love looking for somebody else watching ourselves.

Aw it is good to be tear apart! i want to suffer so much that i can breathe!

O pityful, glorious, deadly optimistic, older boy than eyes,

You are not paying attention... Be careful or you'll miss the rope when the swallow tide will show off.



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