Une minute de lecture


We used to be musketeers, having each other’s back.

Every birthday I spent with you on that sand,

I knew exactly what was my wish before blowing.

Seven letters whispered as I closed my eyes,

Hoping that you would hear my silent plea.

My heart was limping, throbbing with a squeal,

My soul was roving, looking for its star.

My body was a mound of ash drowned by your tears.

Now only you can adopt my forgiveness,

So that it’s no longer an orphan.

I used to dream that my gaze would speak for me

But here I am today, 15 seconds later.

I finally defeated an evil white countess

And found the strength to call you by your name,

Two syllables that keep my heart alive.

You’re not my princess, you are my fairy.

I'm not a brave knight, just a stupid toad.

C,H,A,R,L,I,E, is how I spell paradise.

Charlie, Charlie, Charlie, two magic syllables.

This is my wish and I’m ready to blow.



Ce chapitre compte 1 versions.

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