7. Three

3 minutes de lecture

Three pair of eyes defying each other.
Or so would it be described.

One with the malicious smile. An unconcealed pleasure, torturer’s mind. His back to the wall, he was playing with some circular shaped blades. Juggling around, making new ones appear and disappear with a subtle flick of his cuff. His fingers, fast and agile, mirrored his face’s expression, young and thirsty, with no need for life to teach him anything. The face of an arrogant ”knows it all”, impatiently waiting for the hound master to release him on a new stray prey. His hair, a proud blond mane, was ornamented with crystal tears, suspended from his waxed strands. The perfect example of who was running, no questions asked, into the maw of death.

At the opposite end of the room sat another man in a grey suit, an immobile ghost, watching the blond show-off like it was a piece of fresh meat. A little older, maybe approaching his 40s, he had particularly long fingers, covered by gloves. His deadly stare had an undeniable presence, and the shaved short hair on his head turning grey made him look like a prison escapee.

Slowly, I cracked my wrists, feeling the time weigh on my shoulders. I didn’t like the fact to be associated with… With some of those from the ”new generation”. Barely out of school, they just made a name and felt like invincible, more important than anything. That’s how the society wanted them to be anyway. They met the standards. Nothing else. We did not have to ask for more. We did not…

The door opened suddenly, smacking against the wall with an exaggerated force. Blue glasses did not seem too happy. He didn’t bother any presentations, took a chair, and started his speech, on a hot-tempered tone. I would bet his eyes were as red as blood all under this ridiculous tainted glass frame. Ones of an upset person, someone just strafed by his patron and couldn’t yet swallow his pride. What a pathetic dork…

— April the Fool, The Clamp, and… Jace.
Our client has got the money to pay you more than you would ever deserve to be paid.

So… Zeke… as the more experienced… (he stumbled over this word) you’re the one to know better about the procedure. If it’s called confidence, then I guess that’s what I’m forced to put on you to handle these… apprentices.

I didn’t hear my name, but could imagine it was quoted.
The blond mane stopped juggling for a moment and gave me a stupid smile.
What does this jerk even want ?

I sighed, still not done with the idea I would have to work with someone else than just my shadow. An already noisy and unbearable shadow. So now, I would work as babysitter, and had to make sure none of the undesirable would get to cost an arm in the operation.

I scratched my hair gently, put my look down on the bordure of the desk, where a fly was agonizing gradually. Its wings, fixed in a never ending quiver, a bug in the multitude of programs installed to make it function properly. As so, it could create this illusion, deceiving reality of an insect existing in this exact place, at this exact moment.
Now that it’s on the verge of something impossible to describe with words or numbers nor states, as it is now gonna fall in this unknown, this great and unfathomable unknown… a fall that would never result, causing this unsolvable loop to break the fourth wall of this eventuality of a dimension.

— Is the client not… assured enough with already one of us ? started the blond Lothario.
For example… Me ?

Then, he threw a look at his two colleagues. I didn’t bother taking a note of it. Meat stick man was still devouring him with his eyes, though. Maybe his charm was actually something, then ?

— We don’t really… need the help of a… (he agitated vaguely his hand in his back in my direction) bedridden in the last years of his…

He mimed a fantasy less rainbow over his head.

— …legendary career.

I’m gonna love this guy.


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