1.1 The awakening

Une minute de lecture

Being the first and only man in the world is as frustrating as it is boring.

Thoughtful about that, Adam looked at his nameless dog, which was looking back expectantly. In the four years he possessed that dog, he had never felt the need to name it, whereas any normal human being would have named any pet immediately. He hated himself for not being a normal human being. Correction. He hated himself for being the first and actually only man in this world. He resented the lack of forefathers to guide him, except that it was not exactly true: he had received some guidance.

The realisation only occurred to him while watching an episode of 'the little house on the prairie' , in which he noticed that the youngest daughter said about the new dog, 'we have to name it'. He then realised, it clearly means the names of things are freely given by humans. He had failed to spot that, despite the thousands of times he had watched the series as his core training at behaving as a typical human being.

There were some circumstances attenuating his mistake. The ship had so far named for him everything in his environment, including himself and his younger companion, Eve. When asked for the reason behind those first names, the ship had simply replied, 'clear, classical, and convenient', and had promptly proceeded with offering an educated selection of seventeen religious movies from the religious millennium.

This behaviour diverging from socially-aware human beings was a minor but annoying mistake. He intended to avoid such a shame for his natural son. I will name him myself and I will teach him to name all things around him.

An unusual behaviour might prevent him to appear as a normal human. But more worryingly, a neurotic personality trait could jeopardize his settlement mission.

The settlement was literally the reason of his coming into existence.

The grand plan was to wake up humans two hundred years before the landing. But the harsh truth was that they were several millennia away from the intended target, which would have been the first colony outside the solar system. And they had no means to return to Earth.

They were truly in deep space.



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