The Dark Side Of The Moon

de Image de profil de Mlle PixelMlle Pixel

Apprécié par 6 lecteurs
Image de couverture de The Dark Side Of The Moon

Speak to me !

I force myself to breath, but i run after something that's whilling to escape from myself. Time, is ticking now. On the ceiling, my fears are dancing at that gig we will never attend, all because it was us, and them. He shakes me again. There's money coming out of his pocket, rolling up to my ears. I told you to get a wallet but you do as you please. I see blood flowing. Is it mine or is it yours ? Your hands are covered by red. From any colour you like, isn't it your favorit ?

My brain is turning upside down now, but i'm getting too comfortably numb to feel the brain damage. I think i finaly catch a sight of the dark side of the moon. You've seen it too, right ? You watched the sun straight in the eyes, and saw it being eclisped by the moon before you left. If i have to follow your path, please tell me, is it as pretty as in the song we used to sing on that couch ?

I dont wan't to die...

I no longer wan't to die...

How unfair is that ?


Petit poème en anglais, totalement expérimental et volontairement nébuleux, que je soumets à votre jugement. Et oui, je sais, encore Pink Floyd :p

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The Dark Side of The MoonChapitre10 messages | 3 mois

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