How survive?

de Image de profil de danslalune123danslalune123

Apprécié par 1 lecteur
Image de couverture de How survive?
A withdrawn girl has to learn to grow up in a new environment. High school. Despite her difficulties in socialising, she creates a small group of friends.

As she contemplates a possible romance, she faces a major disturbance. The transformation of humanity into zombies and a world war between greedy governments.

Will she manage to survive without going mad? Nothing is less certain. The means employed will be numerous and it is not said if she will end up finding love among the few survivors. The big question is how she will stay alive and whose heart will be in her, while understanding the elements that will allow her survival and that of the human species?

A parody of the disaster novel and teenage romance. For a laugh and not to be taken seriously.


Special thanks to the talented AstralArc (from wattpad) for my lovely cover

This book was written entirely in French, my mother tongue. I try to translate it myself with my low level of English. It's a personnal challenge
Tous droits réservés
29 chapitres de 7 minutes en moyenne
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Commentaires & Discussions

First dayChapitre0 message
Flat shareChapitre0 message
First learningChapitre0 message
RodéoChapitre0 message
WTF?Chapitre0 message
Found something to doChapitre0 message
rat bastardsChapitre0 message
RotsChapitre0 message
Make friendChapitre0 message
Time always show trueChapitre0 message
Modern castleChapitre0 message
Be able to warChapitre0 message
AlonesChapitre0 message
Clean territoryChapitre0 message
Totally mad and scaryChapitre0 message
Taking prisonersChapitre0 message
Take care of prisonersChapitre0 message
Reinventing everydayChapitre0 message
Envy is a sinChapitre0 message
Who is she?Chapitre0 message
The art of Kawai disguiseChapitre0 message
Peace's danceChapitre0 message
New comersChapitre0 message
MathildeChapitre0 message
Mariners and PilotsChapitre0 message
Space RecoveryChapitre0 message
Sweetie have grow upChapitre0 message
Take careChapitre0 message
EndingChapitre0 message

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